Home Remedies

Facial Hair Removal: 5 Home Remedies That Can Work Wonders

Although having facial hair is really natural, some women are aware of it. There may be several causes of facial hair growth such as hormonal, genetic, underlying health problems such as PCOS or PCOD, women who experience majesty, hirsutism, etc. Facial hair, regardless of…
Home Remedies

Mix these 2 things in flour to get rid of oily skin

At present oily skin problems are found in every other person. It has become very common. In fact, because oily skin, acne problems, blackheads, and blackheads began to occur. Your skin type mainly depends on three things and these are three things – lipid levels…
Home Remedies

Low Blood Pressure: Symptoms and home remedies

Low Blood Pressure, also known as hypotension, is a medical condition where a person’s blood pressure reaches such a low level that it leads to adverse symptoms such as dizziness, fainting, nausea, fatigue, difficulty in breathing, and blurred vision. When the readings…
Home Remedies

Hair smells bad, then adopt these home remedies

This is summer and this season we all have to face many types of problems related to skin and hair. This is because of sweating, dust and soil, both of them are very damaged. On summer days, if the hair is not taken care of properly, then it starts to smell. Often do not…
Home Remedies

स्त्रीरोग प्रकरण

-: अशोकादि कषाय :- -: आवस्यक औषधियॉ :- ▪अशोक की छाल १० तोले, तथा आम की छाल, जामुन की छाल, बेर ( झड़बेरी ) की छाल, ५/५…
Health TipsHome Remedies

शुगर (diabetes) का इलाज

भारत में 5 करोड़ 70 लाख से ज्यादा लोगों को डाइबटीज है और 3करोड़ से ज्यादा को हो जाएगी अगले कुछ सालों में (सरकार…